Search Results for: ranked

11 of the Best 90s Metal Singers Of All Time, Ranked
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11 of the Best 90s Metal Singers Of All Time, Ranked

The best 90s metal singers represent a very peculiar era for the genre. This decade had a lot of ups and downs for metal as a whole, although some bands came out on top. That period also saw the rise of power metal, black metal, doom metal, and death metal as a whole. In that…

9 of the Best Latin American Metal Singers, Ranked
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9 of the Best Latin American Metal Singers, Ranked

The best Latin American metal singers often represent the best that side of the world has to offer. It’s through their voices that several bands have become iconic and influential. Furthermore, they are the ones who have managed to make the genre transcend in those countries. Therefore, it makes sense that there are a lot…

The 15 Most Iconic Signature Guitars For Musicians, Ranked
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The 15 Most Iconic Signature Guitars For Musicians, Ranked

Countless A-list guitarists have collapsed with world-class guitar brands on their own signature series models: a line of special edition instruments modelled on iconic guitars played by the pro in question, rigged with all their personalised touches. There are some real geniuses and whackjobs out there in the metal and rock scene, and the legendary…

Best Cheap and Budget-Friendly Guitar Brands, Ranked by a Musician

Best Cheap and Budget-Friendly Guitar Brands, Ranked by a Musician

Finding a budget-friendly guitar can be extremely tough, especially if you are new to playing the guitar. There are a lot of options, and all these guitars appear pretty similar on the surface. However, being a music teacher myself, I’ve personally tested hundreds of guitars, and am here to provide you with an expert analysis…

The 12 Best Rock Bands from the ’70s, Ranked by a Musician
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The 12 Best Rock Bands from the ’70s, Ranked by a Musician

While the rock and roll bands in the ‘60s laid the foundations for rock and roll to take over the world, the top 12 rock bands from the ‘70s took everything to the next level. Yes, ready or not, in this decade, the world experienced some of the biggest, most ambitious, and most grandiloquent rock…

12 of the Largest Metal Concerts of All Time, Ranked
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12 of the Largest Metal Concerts of All Time, Ranked

When we talk about the power of music to gather masses, few genres do it quite like metal and rock. There’s something inherently communal about these concerts, a shared energy that pulses through the crowd, uniting everyone in a singular experience. Over the years, several concerts have not just broken attendance records but have also…

All Deep Purple Albums Ranked, From Best to Worst
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All Deep Purple Albums Ranked, From Best to Worst

Deep Purple is a deeply conflicting band for most rock music fans. On one hand, you have to say that their music is inescapable, and captures something exquisite about the spirit of the 1960s and 1970s, the idea of peaceful protest through music, and wondering if you could have a band where all five members…

12 of the Most Influential and Iconic Rock Bands of the ’60s, Ranked

12 of the Most Influential and Iconic Rock Bands of the ’60s, Ranked

Between the civil rights movement, the assassination of JFK, the Cuban missile crisis, MLK’s march on Washington, the Beatles invasion, and Woodstock. A lot of things were changing very rapidly for a lot of different types of people, and there was not a global monoculture. I’m only listing the events that were important for the…

Every Major Guitar Amplifier Brand, Ranked By A Musician

Every Major Guitar Amplifier Brand, Ranked By A Musician

I’ve been playing the electric guitar for almost three decades now. During that time, I’ve had the privilege of plugging my instrument into all kinds of amplifiers. In other words, I’ve rocked most of the brands on this list in the past. So, if you don’t know where your tone journey should start and you’re…