Search Results for: thrash metal

11 Popular Metal Musicians Who Went to Jail
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11 Popular Metal Musicians Who Went to Jail

Lots of heavy metal musicians choose to live just as dangerously as their music sounds. Often those people go too far and commit crimes of tax evasion, domestic abuse, and sometimes even murder.  We here are MetalShout disagree with committing crimes of any sort, but these make for interesting and tragic stories, here’s a list…

10 of the Best Metal Latin American Bands of All Time
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10 of the Best Metal Latin American Bands of All Time

The best Latin American metal bands don’t always get the recognition they deserve because of the language barrier and lack of a platform. Metal music in Latin America, while very passionate, has never been very profitable for the bands involved. However, that has not stopped some bands from delivering some truly outstanding pieces of music….

10 of the Best Heavy Metal Vocal Performances Of All Time
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10 of the Best Heavy Metal Vocal Performances Of All Time

When the lights dim and the first chord strikes, there’s an electric charge in the air that only heavy metal can produce. If have ever been present for one of those, you will know it’s more than just music; it’s an experience that shakes you to your core. For fans of the genre, some performances…

12 of the Best Metal Drummers of All Time
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12 of the Best Metal Drummers of All Time

When we talk about the legends of metal music, we often think about the shredding guitarists and powerful vocalists who command the stage. But behind these frontmen (and women), there’s a force that drives the music forward with thunderous beats and jaw-dropping speed – the drummers. Metal wouldn’t be the same without these masters of…

10 of the Oldest Metal Musicians That Are Still Alive Today

10 of the Oldest Metal Musicians That Are Still Alive Today

While it is easy to notice the strength and passion of the young ones, the enduring power of metal music is epitomized by the legends who have shaped its sound over the decades.  From groundbreaking albums to unforgettable live performances, these artists have not only contributed significantly to the metal scene but also boast impressive…

The 15 Most Underrated Albums by Heavy Metal Legends
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The 15 Most Underrated Albums by Heavy Metal Legends

Some bands’ bold decisions, the time records were released, fans’ expectations, or simply bad publicity have relegated some great metal albums from the spotlight. We did the hard work for you and dove deep into metal history to rescue them from oblivion. These are some of those pearls saved from the sea of time and…

10 of the Greatest Moments from the Entire Career of Metallica
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10 of the Greatest Moments from the Entire Career of Metallica

Metallica recently added another Grammy to their already overflowing trophy cabinet, a testament to their enduring impact on music. This latest accolade not only underscores their continued relevance in the ever-evolving music landscape but also serves as a perfect juncture to explore the top ten moments that have defined their illustrious career. From groundbreaking albums…

10 Heavy Metal Musicians Who Died in 2023, Listed
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10 Heavy Metal Musicians Who Died in 2023, Listed

The year 2023 marked the loss of several revered figures in the metal music community, each leaving a distinct void in the genre’s rich tapestry. Fans and fellow musicians alike felt the impact of these departures, reflecting on the legacies and contributions that have shaped the sound and culture of metal music. 1. Algy Ward…

10 of the Oldest Metal Musicians That Are Still Alive Today

10 of the Oldest Metal Musicians That Are Still Alive Today

While it is easy to notice the strength and passion of the young ones, the enduring power of metal music is epitomized by the legends who have shaped its sound over the decades.  From groundbreaking albums to unforgettable live performances, these artists have not only contributed significantly to the metal scene but also boast impressive…