David Bowie Song Reissue Version Comes for 50th Year Anniversary
One of the leading figures in the music industry, David Bowie is being missed for a while after his passing. But gladly, we all may…
Metalshout.com is the biggest of heavy metal and rock news, rock news, reviews, and music featuring the latest news, reviews, tour dates, release dates, and more…
One of the leading figures in the music industry, David Bowie is being missed for a while after his passing. But gladly, we all may…
TOOL member Justin Chancellor who is also the bassist of the band’s Christmas commercial video has already been released. Now he collaborates in the holiday…
Metallica‘s 40th year anniversary has been continuing celebrated with no stop. San Francisco has just declared December 16th, 2021 as ‘Metallica Day‘, while it was…
Avenged Sevenfold has become one of the most regarded metal bands in the world. So let’s also check the successful and beloved metal band Avenged…