Former Guns N’ Roses Guitarist Talks About His Daughter’s Rock Career
We’ve seen a lot of musical families in the music industry. It’s not rare to see a child is getting inspired by their musician parents and start their own music career. They sometimes follow the same road as their parents and do the same type of music. But it is not always like that. Sometimes children want to take another path, create their own and be a part of another music genre. Today we have a similar situation to that. And that situation is involving former Guns N’ Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke and his daughter.
Former Guns N’ Roses guitarist Gilby Clarke was a guest at TotalRock. During the interview, he got some questions about his daughter, Frankie Clarke and of course about her musical career with her band Frankie And The Studs. And Gilby Clarke answered those questions.
First off, he started saying that his daughter Frankie is more into some Punk Rock bands such as Green Day and Paramore. And according to Gilby Clarke, that is the way his daughter is going.
“So it’s more on the pop-punk rock side. I helped her record in the very beginning, but she’s carving her own path now, which I encourage,” he continued. “I tell her, ‘This is the good stuff. You have to get out there and meet people.’ It’s nice that you can talk to a few people and say, ‘Oh, my Dad is this guy,’ but this is her life. I think it’s important that she gets out there.
He also shared some of his memories with his daughter, the ones from they were young and having fun while playing in bands for almost no money. He seems like he wants his daughter to have a really good time.
“I always tell her, ‘All those great stories myself and your mother tell you is all from when we were your age and we were out there doing our thing. We had no money, playing in bands, playing for no money and touring in vans. This is the stuff you’re gonna look back on and you’re gonna enjoy.’ So that’s what she has.
Clarke also talked about his daughter’s first single. He said that Frankie had a deal and released their first single “Victim”. And according to Gilby, Frankie and her band are onto some other songs as well but it is just a single deal for the meantime.
It is good to see how supportive Gilby Clarke is, even though his daughter chooses her own way in music and does not follow her father’s footsteps.