Search Results for: metal

12 Metal Musicians Who Stayed Drug-Free

12 Metal Musicians Who Surprisingly Stayed Drug-Free

The whole drugs, s**, and rock and roll motto isn’t just for every musician on the scene. Sure, we’ve seen them, especially in the ‘80s, burn their fortunes with eccentric whims while their brains were drowned in alcohol or drugs. Well, although it was common, not every metal musician you know and love followed that…

9 Surprising Metal Songs That Are About Hurricanes
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9 Surprising Metal Songs That Are About Hurricanes

Bad weather is upon us, but its unlike any metal fan to let go of music in these turbulent times. While we try and brace ourselves and pray for everyone’s safety, we’ve concoted a list of a few metal songs that are about hurricanes, or have associated eleemnts towards thunder or rain. These songs might…

9 Metal Songs That Were Secretly About Politics (And You Had No Idea)
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9 Metal Songs That Were Secretly About Politics (And You Had No Idea)

Metal music is known to be a very emotional  genre, and one in which the musicians challenge societal norms. While some metal songs are overtly political, others hide their messages beneath layers of heavy riffs and growling vocals. In this article, we will take a look at nine metal anthems that carry deep political meanings,…

10 Rockers Who Turned to Metal and Never Looked Back
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10 Rockers Who Turned to Metal and Never Looked Back

Rock music as a genre, constantly evolved. Rock artists keep exploring new sounds and as a result of that love for adventure, history has seen some of them take a bold leap into the world of heavy metal and find their true calling. These musicians not only embraced the heavier sound but also became iconic…

12 Metal Musicians Who Stayed Drug-Free

12 Metal Musicians Who Surprisingly Stayed Drug-Free

The whole drugs, s**, and rock and roll motto isn’t just for every musician on the scene. Sure, we’ve seen them, especially in the ‘80s, burn their fortunes with eccentric whims while their brains were drowned in alcohol or drugs. Well, although it was common, not every metal musician you know and love followed that…

10 Metal Bands Your Parents Warned You About in the 80s
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10 Metal Bands Your Parents Warned You About in the 80s

Metal bands had their heyday in the 80s and, believe it or not, controversy also helped. These were the days of the “satanic panic” and a lot of parents were concerned about metal music. A lot of people, particularly in the United States, were even attempting to ban some of these bands from playing and…

Metal Musicians who Are Also Entrepreneurs
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10 Metal Musicians Who Surprisingly Are Also Successful Entrepreneurs

Heavy metal artists are known to live a life of excess and debauchery. But as the industry has evolved, so too have the musicians who once epitomized this lifestyle. With the decline in record sales due to illegal downloading and minimal streaming royalties, many metal musicians have turned to entrepreneurship to sustain their fortunes. Here…

10 Forgotten Metal Albums That Need to Be Rereleased on Vinyl
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10 Forgotten Metal Albums That Need to Be Rereleased on Vinyl

In the world of music, few things are as satisfying as the crackle and warmth of a vinyl record spinning on a turntable. For lovers of metal music, the experience is even more profound, as the raw energy of their favorite albums come alive in a way that digital formats just can’t replicate. In this…

14 Popular Metal Musicians Who Went to Jail

11 Popular Metal Musicians Who Went to Jail

Lots of heavy metal musicians choose to live just as dangerously as their music sounds. Often those people go too far and commit crimes of tax evasion, domestic abuse, and sometimes even murder.  We here are MetalShout disagree with committing crimes of any sort, but these make for interesting and tragic stories, here’s a list…