Search Results for: metal

Metal Bands Who Were Banned From Countries
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10 Metal Bands Who Were Banned From Countries

Metal bands who were banned from countries are a much more common topic than one may think. This music genre has always been controversial in some areas, hence why some bands were banned. Furthermore, this gave some groups a degree of free publicity in those nations because of the coverage they got. In that regard,…

Why Was Dave Mustaine Thrown Out Of Metallica?
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Why Was Dave Mustaine Thrown Out Of Metallica?

Dave Mustaine is one of the most successful and gifted metal guitarists of all time and goes without saying. His career with Megadeth is an example of determination, hard work, and creativity. Regardless of lineup changes, Mustaine has managed to overcome a lot of adversity for several decades. And makes perfect when considering this band…

10 Old Metal Bands That Won’t Have Been Popular Now
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10 Old Metal Bands That Won’t Have Been Popular Now

Metal benefitted greatly from the mainstream in the 80s and, to some degree, in the 90s. There were a lot of bands that gained a lot of popularity thanks to the historical context. This doesn’t mean they are bad but this is a different world and metal isn’t as prominent as it once was. Moreover,…

Metal Band Name Generator | Create Metal Names for Free

Metal Band Name Generator | Create Metal Names for Free

Create Brutal Metal Band Names Instantly Looking for the perfect name for your metal band? Our advanced Metal Band Name Generator creates unique, genre-authentic names across all major metal subgenres. Whether you’re starting a death metal project, forming a black metal band, or launching any other metal venture, our generator delivers names that capture the…

10 Metal Musicians Who Shockingly Left the Spotlight
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10 Metal Musicians Who Shockingly Left the Spotlight

The spotlight can be overwhelming. You know the old tale of the broken star falling from the sky into oblivion. The endless pressure, the attention, and the stress can put anyone to the test. These are musicians who prefer to step away from the bright light to find happiness or pursue other passions. 1. Zack…

12 Metal Musicians Who Survived Near-Death Experiences

12 Metal Musicians Who Survived Near-Death Experiences

Metal and danger are words that come intertwined in our imagination. There’s an element of adrenaline in taking things to an extreme, and no other musical genre has done it better than metal. That said, experimenting with the unknown and the far-out can’t be done without its toll. These are a dozen metal musicians who…

10 of the Most Controversial Performances In Metal Music History

10 of the Most Controversial Performances In Metal Music History

The most controversial performances in metal music history are long and detailed. That’s because the genre’s chaotic and free nature lends itself to that. There are a lot of musicians whose substance abuse has led to making a lot of awful decisions. And that is something that can be seen on stage. Moreover, these performances…

12 Metal Musicians Who Stayed Drug-Free

12 Metal Musicians Who Surprisingly Stayed Drug-Free

The whole drugs, s**, and rock and roll motto isn’t just for every musician on the scene. Sure, we’ve seen them, especially in the ‘80s, burn their fortunes with eccentric whims while their brains were drowned in alcohol or drugs. Well, although it was common, not every metal musician you know and love followed that…

10 of the Most Overrated Metal Artists of All Time
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10 of the Most Overrated Metal Artists of All Time

Overrated metal artists come in a lot of shapes and forms. Music fans have different perspectives, tastes, and experiences with these bands. However, there is no denying that there are some performers who generally don’t live up to the hype. That’s undeniable and some of these bands are often mentioned in that regard. These are…