Tobias Forge Gave Ghost’s Best Song Name to Introduce Ghost
How do you introduce your favorite band to your friends? The best way to do that is you should recommend the band’s best song. If you want to introduce the Ghost band, you are lucky. Ghost‘s frontman Tobias Forge gave Ghost’s best song name to introduce the band.
Which Ghost song is best?
Recently, Tobias Forge gave an interview. During the interview, the interviewer asked several questions. The most important question is which Ghost song is best to introduce the ghost band. Tobias Forge answered, “I think ‘Cirice‘ is a good track for that because it sums up a lot of the concepts of the band lyrically and musically. There’s a big handful of metal in there, but also AOR and melody. There’s a sort of androgynous element that I like to try to harness into our songs, and I think ‘Cirice‘ has that ambiguity — it’s meant to sound dangerous. It’s meant to sound double and kind of deceiving. But you can also listen to it as a complete comfort track.” Tobias Forge added, “At the end of the day, that is what we do — we’re trying to comfort people. We want people to understand that there is hope. Nothing lasts forever — not even bad things. Everything is fluid. I think ‘Cirice‘ captures a lot of that.”
Although Tobias Forge‘s thoughts, Ghost band does not frequently play their “Circle” band’s concerts. “Circle” is the fifth most played song live. The most played song is “Monstrance Clock” at live concerts. Without a doubt, when people hear the ” Circle” in the live performance, they will be fans of the Ghost band. The band performs the “Circle” perfectly.
Who is the Ghost band?
Ghost is a Swedish metal band that is formed in 2006. The band has eight members. We called seven of the group’s eight members “Nemesis Ghouls.” Because we do not know those members’ names. We only the Ghost frontman’s name, Tobias Forge (A.K.A Papa Emeritus IV). During their career, the band has released four albums since 2010. However, their “Open Eponymous” album is special for the fans. Because this album includes “Ritual” chosen as one of “The 50 Most Evil Songs Ever.” Also, the band won Grammy Award for Best Metal Performance with the “Circle.”
What do you think about Tobias Forge‘s song recommendations? Which Ghost song is your favorite? You can share your thoughts about song recommendations in the comment section.