Search Results for: guns n' roses

Guns N’ Roses Members Net Worth: Albums, Life and Guitars
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Guns N’ Roses Members Net Worth: Albums, Life and Guitars

Since the very first day the band came into our lives, Guns N’ Roses has always managed to keep its fan base pleased and growing. And while the famous and beloved band is still rocking the stages, it is for sure that the beloved rock band’s members have been filling their pockets, as well. But…

Former Guns N’ Roses Guitarist Talks About His Daughter’s Rock Career

Former Guns N’ Roses Guitarist Talks About His Daughter’s Rock Career

We’ve seen a lot of musical families in the music industry. It’s not rare to see a child is getting inspired by their musician parents and start their own music career. They sometimes follow the same road as their parents and do the same type of music. But it is not always like that. Sometimes…

Guns N’ Roses Keyboardist Talks About Metallica Debut Album
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Guns N’ Roses Keyboardist Talks About Metallica Debut Album

Guns N’ Roses and Metallica are both bands formed in the 1980s and become very popular, actually one of the most popular bands in the music scene. Even though they have different styles and genres, from time to time we see bands and band members talking about each other. Today, we have that kind of…

Guns N’ Roses, Metallica and More Artists To Join Hellfest 2022
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Guns N’ Roses, Metallica and More Artists To Join Hellfest 2022

Hellfest is coming back in 2022. And with the recent announcements, this is going to be a huge festival. Let’s take a look into what we can wait from Hellfest 2022. While Covid-19 restrictions are slowly easing, governments from all around the world started to approve festivals and concerts to held. We even started to…

2021 Rescheduled Guns N’ Roses Tour Annonuced

2021 Rescheduled Guns N’ Roses Tour Annonuced

Guns N’ Roses starting their tour with the new schedule. This tour was originally planned to start earlier but due to Covid-19, it was pushed further. Now, with the rescheduled calendar, the tour is starting. The new and rescheduled calendar contains 14 additional dates. Starting date for this tour is July 31. In Hershey, PA…

15 of the Most Legendary Guitarists to Have Ever Lived
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15 of the Most Legendary Guitarists to Have Ever Lived

There are many ways to play the guitar, and certainly many Legendary Guitarists, such as Chet Atkins, Joni Mitchell, and Stevie Ray Vaughan, among countless others. While these are all stylistically varied and irrefutably great guitarists, they are not Metal Guitarists.  The specific stylings of Metal Guitar are almost universal within the genre: Big Distortion,…

The 12 Best Rock Bands from the ’70s, Ranked by a Musician
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The 12 Best Rock Bands from the ’70s, Ranked by a Musician

While the rock and roll bands in the ‘60s laid the foundations for rock and roll to take over the world, the top 12 rock bands from the ‘70s took everything to the next level. Yes, ready or not, in this decade, the world experienced some of the biggest, most ambitious, and most grandiloquent rock…

The 20 Greatest Rock Bands of All Time

The 20 Greatest Rock Bands of All Time

Choosing the greatest rock bands is always challenging because of how many great bands exist. Rock music has described culture and the music business for decades, with some bands being absolute icons. There are always great bands to choose from. In that regard, the greatest rock bands are defined by what they have done, what…

22 of the Best Metal Karaoke Songs to Sing Along To, Listed

22 of the Best Metal Karaoke Songs to Sing Along To, Listed

When you are going to the karaoke bar as a hard rock fan, sometimes it can be hard to figure out exactly what you want to sing. So we’ve made a list for you of the 22 best karaoke songs that will make sure your night is rocking, And it will also keep you out…