Punk Concert In Florida Makes Non-Vaccinated Fans Pay More

While the world is just turning normal after more and more people getting vaccinated, everyone is doing their part on that. A concert promoter in Florida found an interesting way on that. Promoter Paul Williams changed the ticket prices for vaccinated people with a great discount for a Punk Concert in Florida to encourage vaccination.
No vax tax
According to this plan to encourage vaccination, non-vaccinated people will pay more for the ticket. Not only a small amount but they will need to pay $999,99 for a single ticket. Vaccinated people, on the other hand, are going to pay just $18. Promoter Paul Williams used that words to define what he is trying to with this act.
“We’re just trying to do the show safely, and they should go out and get vaccinated to protect themselves, their families and their communities”
This event will take place on the 26th of June in St. Petersburg, Florida. The lineup is mostly by punk groups from the USA such as Teenage Bottlerocket and MakeWar. During his interview on the ABC, Williams said why he wanted to encourage vaccination.
“I also wanted it to be a vaccine drive to get the fence-sitters off the fence. I wanted to get the kids that want to go to shows to go out and get their shots.”
Williams also shared the information about ticket sales. According to Paul Willaims, the concert promoter so far no one bought a ticket for the price of $999.99. Despite that, 250 people bought a ticket for $18 price, which means they are vaccinated. Williams also said that he will not take action or be against unvaccinated people getting in. If they want to pay the full price, they can get in and listen to the concert. After the negative comments from anti-vaccination people, Williams said “To care about people being safe is very bad apparently”

Ray Carlisle, guitarist and singer of the band Teenage Bottlerocket also spoke to ABC and encouraged people to get vaccinated.
“We’re all vaccinated. We encourage everyone to get vaccinated so we can see you in the pit,”
USA and Vaccination
It’s good to see everyone doing their part on our way back to normal lives. Huge companies like Dunkin’ Donuts, Uber, Krispy Kreme are also trying to encourage more people to get vaccinated by giving them gifts&offers. Covid was a huge problem on concerts for the past year. With the vaccination and this kind of creative ways to encourage, we can go back to our normal lives even faster. The USA has reached an important point where they vaccinated 1 in every 4 adults. The aim is to have %70 percent of the population vaccinated by July 4.
I’m totally down with this. If the morons want to risk other people’s health, they SHOULD have to pay more! I’d go even further and say that, if they cannot provide proof of vaccination at the time of ticket purchase, they should be barred from attending altogether.