1. Those three “hits” you mention from Turbo are from Defenders of the Faith, its predecessor. Get your shit together if you’re going to write on a subject. Fly on the Wall is a great album BTW.

    1. How am I more knowledgeable about this stuff than the person who wrote it? 🤨 it’s not an easy or very accurate read btw

    2. I was about to leave the same exact comment. My guess is whoever this is never even heard the 3 tracks from Defenders of the Faith that he or she ignorantly thinks were on Turbo. The whole list was probably handed to this person. Also I would say there are at least 3 tracks on Turbo that are very good

    3. Aside from Rush, Motley Crue, and Van Halen which I would agree are the low points of those bands output, I do not think the rest should be among the worst rock or metal albums ever.

  2. Please delete my previous comment. I was just annoyed. Thx

    Also, after rechecking there were only 2 tracks from Turbo that I would classify as good, Out In The Cold & Locked In.

    Bob R

  3. Somebody paid this guy to write this article. Does nobody proofread anymore? Wrong facts and very questionable opinions.

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